Holiday Year Calendar 1.1 Released and Made on What’s Hot in More Stores

Holiday Year Calendar version 1.1 was finally released on August 30th, after a long wait in line for Apple review. The update includes integration with iPad’s built-in Contacts, week number, one more markup style – background color, holiday support for 8 more countries – Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Singapore, and more. Some of the features were requested by our users and others are things we hope you’ll enjoy. :)

We have also been making an effort to localize the app. Right now the view and edit birthdays etc. from Contacts and calendar view are fully localized to use your own language settings. Holidays from non-English countries are displayed in one primary language and English. In the future, we will definitely localize the whole app.

So naturally we are delighted to find out that the app has made onto the What’s Hot section (Productivity) in more App Stores: Italy, Hong Kong, Netherlands, and Switzerland. We hope more international users will discover the app and find it useful as we have worked hard to support them.


Featured in What’s Hot (Productivity)

The Holiday Year Calendar app has found its way onto the iPad Productivity – What’s Hot section in the App Store for US, Australia, Canada, Spain, and UK! This is a pleasant surprise coming one day after Apple fixed the New and Noteworthy and What’s Hot lists glitch — featuring apps sorted high on the alphabetical list instead of picked by quality…

Holiday Year Calendar in What's Hot iPad Productivity (US App Store)


Featured in New & Noteworthy (Productivity)

Yesterday morning, we found out that our Holiday Year Calendar app is featured on the New & Noteworthy Productivity list in Apple’s US and Canada iPad App Store, just one day after it was launched. It started out somewhere in the middle but quickly climbed up to the top of the list, where it is now fluctuating between the top two positions.

Today, the app is on the New & Noteworthy Productivity list in two more countries: Spain and the Netherlands!

We just wish the first screenshot of the app was more eye-catching as it is now displayed at the top of the iPad Productivity section…

Holiday Year Calendar top in New & Noteworthy iPad Productivity 1

Holiday Year Calendar top in New & Noteworthy iPad Productivity 2
